on my long time abandoned shelf in my room. i bought it about 3 month ago along with lots of DVD which i haven't see untill now. i picked it becos it had :

song kang hoo my fav actor after choi min sik .. i love him since his colaboration with CHOI MIN SIK in SHIRI
and this cute KANG DONG WOO.. I love his performance in MAUNDY THURSDAY.. oo i spent box of kleenex while watching it. it's a tearjerker movie

6 year later they met again, in different place .... lee recruting him as his asistant in his private detective bussines just to use him to bust the whole north korea spy ring, meanwhile Kang pretend not knowing lee intention and agree to work with him to infiltrate the south korean security. two man with different background and live together, playing cat and mouse game, pretend they didn't know each other background. they finally found out that they had lot's in common...they both far away from family and abandoned by their organization. that's makes them blood brother.... untill their past return and force them to stand in different side anymore just like what happened 6 years ago. i love the way they humanized the protagonist. this Lee han Gyu is not a perferct man eventough he is a professional agent working to north korean Intelegent service. and the antagonist ( kang Ji Won) is not a coldbloodist.. it showed on how he treat the vietnamese bride that they catched.
i love this kind of spy movie.. james bond, Jason Bourne or the hillarious pink panther. spy movie about north and south east and west , story abt what happened before they demolished the berlin wall or before USSR lost his power and disintegrated into lots of small country. but again my fave always korean spy movie.. why's that? becos they had their real spy.. they had their real enemies behind their borderlines. i think i had to put this movie on my fave nort-south korean theme movies list along with shiri, double agent, JSA, Taeguki and Welcome to Dongmokhol.
korea is the only country in the world which is still devided in two becos of their different ideology .correct me if there's still more country in africa or somewhere else with the same problem as korea. they like brothers who seperated for years. they miss each other, they want to reunite as one integrated nation.. the nation of korea. South korea as the older brother and south as the younger . but they can't reunite becos the older brother's friend and saviour which is USA had a big fight with his younger brother. the forever and after battle between comunism and liberalism. i wonder when they can reunite again just like what German did. perhaps we have to wait after the great leader of north Korea Kim Jung Il pass away? but he still fine and healthy according to the news.. and he had his son as his successor.... hmmm
korean's national team playing tonight in world cup
haish.. i'm rambling too much .. i think i'll try to get sleep with this book...

YAY another gabriel garcia marques book.. very interesting one, everyone knows that he's gonna be assasinated .. but still no one can save him..
ah yep who's colonel aureliano buendia? Gabriel garcia marques mention him a lot in his books..
the last.. i'm glad toshi is back and he's just fine..cos i've start to think abt bad things happened to him thanks to pampai's talk. he's so cute in his short pants